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Love Data Week: Introduction to Research Data Management and DMPTool In-Person
This workshop will introduce to attendees to best practices related to data management plans and provide an overivew of DMPTool, a free web tool that facilitates the creation of data management plan by providing templates for various funding agences, guided assistance, and collaboration capabilities.
In the session, we will specifically:
- Provide a brief background of federal grant requirements related to data management
- Identify specific best practices related to data management plans
- Provide a demonstration of DMPTool
- Facilitate a hands-on review of a data management plan
For assistance related to a disability, contact Brian Young at bwyoung@olemiss.edu.
Related LibGuide: Data Management by Brian Young
- Date:
- Wednesday, February 12, 2025
- Time:
- 10:00am - 11:00am
- Time Zone:
- Central Time - US & Canada (change)
- Location:
- Classroom 106 D
- Audience:
- Library Employees Public UM Employee UM Student
- Categories:
- Love Data Week
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