Event box

Classwork that Matters
Dr. Miguel Centellas, Instructional Associate Professor of Sociology, discusses the importance finding balance in personal and academic goals in this event supporting the University's 2024 Common Reading Experience text, Build the Life You Want, by Arthur Brooks and Oprah Winfrey. Stop worrying about grades and GPA and focus on how you can use classes to build relationships. Find teachers who can become mentors. Find classmates who can become colleagues. Focus less on finding answers and more on asking questions. Use the four (or five or six) years not to prepare for a career, but to develop the skills and tools to build the life you want. First-year students are highly encouraged to register for this event.
Related LibGuide: UM Common Reading Experience 2024: Build the Life You Want by Melissa Dennis
- Date:
- Wednesday, September 4, 2024
- Time:
- 3:00pm - 4:00pm
- Location:
- Classroom 106 D
- Audience:
- Public UM Employee UM Student
- Categories:
- Workshop